
Dream Retreat

Several years ago I read a book where the author spent a few months in a house at the beach on a solo, soul searching retreat. The book resonated with me and I have revisited it a few times, though I no longer own it and can’t remember the title. What really hit me was how she approached the time and the different things she did to figure out her next steps. It has forever made me want to take a solo retreat of my own. Of course I’m not in a place where I could do a few months, or even a month. I have enough vacation that I could do 2 weeks, but would prefer to split my vacation into 2 or more trips throughout the year.

So I’ve kind of had this fantasy of taking a week-long retreat either at the shore or a lake in a cabin or cottage by myself. I want to use some of the techniques featured in the book, such as painting, journaling, walks, and sitting in silence. Of course I would also bring some books and music. And I would probably bring my laptop so that I could write.

I’ve been dreaming about this trip for years, and I think it’s about time that I actually take it. I really want to this year. I’ve started looking at the various options available and there is a lot in my price range here in Oregon. I thought about traveling out of state, but with the pandemic continuing, I figured it would be best not to fly and pick somewhere drivable. I haven’t committed to dates or chosen a place yet, but I’m close… I just need to push past the fear that’s keeping me from clicking “book now”.