
2023 Reading Challenges

In 2022 I took a break from reading challenges. In the past, I participated in 10 or more challenges each year, but found that I was really struggling to read with all of the anxiety and stress surrounding the first 2 years of the pandemic. I even set my Goodreads reading goal pretty low (for me) at just 52 books. It was nice to just enjoy reading again and not feel pressured to read certain books for this challenge or that.

As I look towards 2023, I had to ask myself the question, do I want to return to reading challenges, or continue to take the no pressure approach to reading? The truth is, I kind of want to do both. I want to join in with some challenges this year, but keep my goal numbers lower. I have a lot of personal projects that I will be working on during 2023, so don’t want to add too much to my plate.

Here are the challenges that I will be joining

Goodreads Challenge

I do this challenge pretty much every year. My 2021 goal was 200… I came nowhere near it and posted one of my lowest reading totals in years. So in 2022, I set my goal at 52 and surpassed it. For 2023, I will be setting my goal at 75, though I would like to read more than that.

*This challenge is not live yet, but should go live soon.

Library Love Challenge

Because I am reading predominately audio books right now (at least until I get my new prescription) because my vision has been wonky, this was a no brainer for me to join. Rather than using audible, I check all of my audio books out from the library. If I love it and want a copy, I then buy a physical copy for my shelves. The minimum goal for this challenge is 12 books. My goal for this challenge is the “Overdrive Addict” level of 36 books.

This challenge is being hosted by Angel’s Guilty Pleasures and Books of My Heart. You can find out more here.

LGBTQ+ Challenge

Another one that was pretty much a no-brainer for me. I consciously started reading a lot more diversely in 2020, but am naturally drawn to LGBTQIA+ titles and authors (even before recognizing my own sexuality). This challenge comes with a bingo card and is hosted on Instagram by @onceuponabkcase, rather than a blog.

12 Book Challenge

I saw this challenge last year on Twitter, but was abstaining from reading challenges. This year, when I saw people start posting their blank boards asking for recs, I decided to join. Essentially you have 12 friends/followers each pick a book for you to read over the next 12 months. I don’t know who started this, but the template was created by @lucindalumina (account no longer active). I haven’t gotten a lot of responses on Twitter yet, so feel free to drop your recommendations below.

Are you participating in any challenges this year?