
In Love with Love Stories

While I enjoy reading a variety of genres, my favorite will always remain romance. There is something about love stories that just makes me happy. I tend to be drawn to other genres that have a bit of romance in the story as well, even if it isn’t the main plot line.

I think it’s the hope and the belief that everything will ok because the two characters have found each other. I don’t believe that the couples never have any problems in their happily ever after, but I can believe that they face it all together. So when I choose a suspense or fantasy book, I always hope that there is a bit of romance involved. I even look for memoirs that have a little romance in them.

This is probably obvious when you look at the books on my TBR and everything I add to my shelves each month. Romance is by far the dominating genre, regardless of age group. I mean even some of the middle grade books I read have a little bit of flirtation between characters.

Some of my favorites include:

All covers link to Goodreads, all thoughts and opinions are my own