Under Consideration
I’ve had some ideas for things that I want to incorporate into my bookish life, especially since I have time right now.
The first is hosting a readathon, which I announced last week and will be taking place in July. I am truly not expecting to have any participants other than myself, but maybe I’ll be proved wrong.
For several years, I’ve thought about adding a newsletter with complementary content to the blog. I’ve recently begun sketching out some ideas for what I would like to include, stuff that would enhance what I already post here, without duplicating it.
Additionally, I’ve considered either finding or setting up a book exchange. Not everyone can afford to buy physical books, and I know that I purge my shelves from time to time and don’t keep every book that I read. I currently donate books to thrift shops when I’m done with them, but it might be fun to pass them on to other readers instead.
Aside from the readathon, I’m not sure if I’ll do any of these. Mainly because the other thing I’m considering is shutting down and just posting reviews until my current hosting term expires.