
Weighty Thoughts

I have struggled with my weight for pretty much my entire life. There have been so many failed attempts to lose weight, with a few temporary successes mixed in. I’ve bought the books and tried the apps and designed my own routines. I’ve joined gyms and bought workout equipment and spent who knows how much money over the years. I thought losing weight was the key to happiness and my failure meant there was something wrong with me. It was exhausting.

Over the last several years I haven’t made any efforts to lose weight. And my weight has remained stable for the most part, with maybe a 10 lb. variance up and down. But every so often, like now, I start to think I should start making an effort again.

It’s true that losing weight would definitely help me out health-wise and may reduce some of the pain I feel on a daily basis. But I’m almost 53 and it’s never been easy for me. My neurodivergent brain doesn’t help matters either, it makes habit building so much harder. So I need to find (or make) a plan that takes this into account.

I just want to feel better and have more energy.