Review~ Kilt Trip

Kilt Trip
Ready or Scot... Globetrotter Addie Macrae always follows her wanderlust. As a travel consultant, she jet sets around the world—anywhere but Scotland. But when she’s sent on assignment to help a struggling family-run tour company in the Highlands—and save her own job—Addie packs away her emotional baggage and turns on the professional charm. Rugged as the land he loves, Logan Sutherland’s greatest joy is sharing the beauty of Scotland’s hidden gems…even if it means a…

This story is woven with bits of the history of Ireland, which added an extra layer for me.

Addie has closed herself off to keep from being hurt again, believing that if she let’s someone in, they will just leave her. But deep down she is desperate to belong somewhere, but she lets her fears keep her from speaking up for herself and fighting for what she wants.

Logan feels like he’s let everyone in his life down and that none of them believe he can succeed on his own. I think he is even more fragile emotionally than Addie is.

They are both so flawed and scared, but they are really sweet together. I enjoyed watching them start to build something between them, and ached when it seemed like everything was falling apart. And I was frustrated because if Addie had just spoken up it could have saved them so much heartache. But as someone who also fails to speak up for myself, I totally understood.

I am now on the lookout for more books by Alexandra Kiley, as well as more books that take place in Ireland.

Disclaimer: I received an eARC through Net Galley as part of the HTP Tours in exchange for a excerpt post during the tour. All thoughts and opinions are my own.