
A Look at My Space

Since I have finally finished all of reorganizing projects in my room, I decided to share a view of my space with you. I should warn you before you see the pictures that, while I follow a minimalist blog, I by no means follow a minimalist décor style. In fact, my small space is very full (but functional) and a bit eclectically pink.

The Door

The entrance to my personal space is a reflection of me… and what to expect once inside.

Hidden Behind the Door

I need to maximize every bit of space, so even the area behind my bedroom door is put to use.

Media Center

I’ve purged my DVD and CD collections down to just what is seen here. I will most likely purge them more in the near future (especially since I can’t remember the last time I listened to anything other than Taylor Swift).

Work Station

I love this coffee table (I’ve had it since my 1st apartment 25 years ago), and even though I don’t need a coffee table in my room, the workspace is essential, so I made it work. I have a floor chair that I sit on when I work here, and tuck it in when I’m not working to take up less space.

Desk (s)

Once upon a time, I used the writing desk as my desk, but I don’t have a desk chair and it doesn’t offer me a lot of space, so now it serves as more of a staging area for project supplies. The black desk was in my old work office, but when I brought all of my stuff home, I converted it into a night stand since my actual nightstand (under desk) is too short.

Book Nook

I’ve shared my book corner before, but here is another quick look at it.


When I’m not using my floor workstation, this is where I camp out to read, watch movies or streaming, and sleep.


I think my walls are pretty revealing of my interests, with a mix of cats, butterflies, photos, Disney & miscellaneous items.

So there you have it, a peek into my inner sanctum. There’s a lot happening in this small space, but I’ve made it work for me.