
Building a Library for Work

I have been wanting to build a library for the staff filled with all kinds of books that would help them understand the community we serve better. I’ve picked up a few books here and there, but we still really don’t have much to offer currently. I have been able to build a decent leadership library for my direct team, which is awesome, but I still want something for the rest of the staff.

This month I was lucky enough to earn a bonus for teaching an extra training class that I would have taught anyway. So I decided to take that bonus and put it towards our office library. I’ve just put together a big order of books surrounding various diagnoses and the history of the field, so I will be able to officially launch the library in the new year. I’m hoping our staff will take advantage of the resources to learn.

Here are the books I’ve just ordered:

I'm Just Me: A Life with Turner Syndrome & Nonverbal Learning Disorder, Opens in a new tab

Say What?! How to Communicate Anything to Anyone, Opens in a new tab

Covers link to Goodreads where able