
Getting Back on Track… Yet Again

March is a tough month for me. It holds the anniversary of my dad’s death as well as the anniversary of my firing (and they fall within the same week). So needless to say my mental health is always touchy this time of year. This year has been no different.

I had hoped, since I did so well in January and February, that the hit to my mental health wouldn’t be as severe this year. And in many ways, it wasn’t as bad. I essentially lost a week where I literally did not read at all. I also didn’t do more than stare at my laptop streaming 9-1-1 and sleep during that week.

Since that week, I have worked to get back on track. I started with reading; first audio, then physical, then ebooks. Next, I focused on catching up blog posts. I used to have my posts written out a month ahead, right now I’m about 2-3 weeks, but had to shift some reviews, which opened up some blank dates for more posts.

The finally piece to getting fully back on track is adding in some crafting. I may not get there this week, but hopefully by the end of the month. And to finish my pantry reorganization.