
Is It Right for Me?

I was first diagnosed with depression when I was in my mid-twenties, though I was 19 when I actually had my first battle with it. I opted for the no medication route, because it was the right choice for me (not necessarily the right choice for others). Over the years I have developed a lot of coping mechanisms and have found a good mix that generally helps me through. One thing I have never tried, though, is therapy. Mainly because the very thought terrifies me.

There are a lot of people who really benefit from therapy. And having someone to talk to about my experiences would be good. But just the thought of talking about something so personal in front of a stranger (or strangers, because I think I would do better in group therapy with people who actually understand from the inside), sends my anxiety through the roof. But being seen and understood is amazing, so I don’t know.

So now I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons in favor of therapy to see if it’s something I should try. What do you think?