TBR Stats

October 2024 TBR Stats

I decided that it might be fun to share my TBR stats each month to track the progress that I’m making on my various TBRs. Since this is the first month, there’s only one set of numbers.

Starting with my overall TBRs

Physical TBR- 671

Kindle TBR- 1406

eARC TBR- 189 (Net Galley 45%)

Unowned TBR- 2168

Total TBR- 4434

In Progress- 62

Moving on to my 100 Books Project

100- 163/267

200- 156/161

300- 175/175

400- 192/192

500- 192/192

600- 187/187

And finishing up with series

Unstarted- 533

In Progress- 108