Review~ Float Plan

Float Plan
Published: March 2, 2021
Critically acclaimed author Trish Doller's unforgettable and romantic adult debut about setting sail, starting over, and finding yourself Since the loss of her fiancé, Anna has been shipwrecked by grief—until a reminder goes off about a trip they were supposed to take together. Impulsively, Anna goes to sea in their sailboat, intending to complete the voyage alone. But after a treacherous night’s sail, she realizes she can’t do it by herself and hires Keane, a…

Content warning for suicide on this one.

I really enjoyed this story and loved the characters. There was one plot point that I thought would cause more issues than it did, but it didn’t alter my enjoyment at all.

Anna is real, full of grief and doubts and flaws. She is ready to give up one moment and determined to keep going in another. I really liked her and understood every action she took.

I adored Keane as well. He was also real and flawed, but truly a good man. He has his own set of fears and traumas, but continues to push on when many would have given up.

The adventures they have while sailing and the people they meet along the way round out a super sweet love story. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

Disclaimer: I received a DRC of this book through Net Galley on behalf of the publisher for review consideration. All thoughts and opinions are my own.