Review~ The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck

The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck
Genres: ,
Published: February 6, 2024
“Be quiet and listen: He is cheating on you. The name of your soulmate is Alistair George Arthur Lennox. You will be passed over for the promotion. The winning numbers are 5-8-12-24-39-43. And I’m very sorry to tell you this, but you will die next Sunday.” When Lilah Goodluck saves the life of Good Witch Willow as they’re crossing a busy L.A. street, the last thing she expects is five unwanted predictions as a reward.…

This was my first time reading Kylie Scott, and now I need to go find everything she’s written because I loved this book!

The story was fast and fun, the characters interesting and believable, and the ending perfect.

I found myself relating to Lilah when she got Good Witch Willow’s predictions for her future. Like Lilah, I would have ignored them until they started coming true. But I liked that Lilah didn’t just hide out and cry over her fate, she took life by the reigns and started really living.

And then there’s Alistair. Imagine running into a woman who tells you that a psychic told her that you were her soul mate and that she was going to die in a week. Most men would have walked away and never contacted her again, especially a man of royal bloodline. But he doesn’t, he volunteers to help her with her wish list.

The supporting characters were a lot of fun too, especially Alistair’s mother. She was eccentric and quirky and really didn’t care what other people thought about her. She was a great ally for Lilah on this journey. And Dougal was her perfect counterpart.

I had so much fun watching Alistair and Lilah open up to each other and fall in love. Alistair’s protectiveness of Lilah towards the end was sweet and telling of his feelings and fear of the final prediction. I definitely recommend this one!

Disclaimer: I received a DRC of this book through Net Galley as part of the HTP Book Tour. All thoughts and opinions are my own.