Review~ We Could Be Heroes {Ellis}

We Could Be Heroes
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear high heels and a wig. Patrick's acting career is on the rise, and the superhero movie he's filming might put him on the map . . . if the endless reshoots ever stop. Meanwhile, Will, a secondhand bookseller and part-time drag queen, is just trying to live his best life. After a chance encounter on a particularly chaotic night, a curious friendship sparks between the two men. At…

This was a super fun, quick read. Told mainly in the present, with alternating points of view between Will and Patrick, there are jumps to the past from the point of view of Charles, one of the creators of the character Patrick is playing.

I adored Will and his combination of confidence and self-doubt. He was completely real, whether he was himself in his “boy drag” or was his alter ego, Grace Anatomy. And he surrounds himself with people who truly care about him. His entire found family was amazing, and I loved the way they accepted Patrick so quickly.

Patrick on the other hand feels broken and alone in the beginning. He is closeted because of his career and isolates himself except for his cast mates. Thankfully a truly beautiful bond is built between Patrick, his co-star, stunt double and trainer, and they in turn welcome Will and his entourage to form one big, supportive friend group.

The only character I really have issue with in this story is Patrick’s agent. Her insistence that Patrick needs to remain closeted to be successful and get big box office roles is incredibly close-minded, plus the fact that she’s a member of the LGBTQIA+ community herself just makes it worse.

All in all I loved the story, learning of the creation of the comic and the people behind it, seeing Patrick and Audra go through the filming of the modern day movie, and seeing Will and Jordan go to battle for their drag community. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book through Net Galley on behalf of the publisher for review consideration. I also received a physical ARC through a Goodreads giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are my own.