State of the Resistance
It seems like every day there is some new, horrible Executive Order or bill being forced through. It’s overwhelming, stressful and has made me so incredibly angry that it’s hard to function some days. But function I must.
There are a few that I have personally been able to do for the Resistance. I wish that I could do so much more, but for now this is what I have been able to do.
First is continuing to elevate voices. I repost a lot of information on socials, trying to help get information to as many people as possible. I try to encourage those who are actively resisting and add my support where I am able, including signing petitions. I’m not able to donate to any causes at the current time, nor am I able to get to protests in person. I don’t have a phone to call my reps, but I have been sending emails.
Next is boycotts. I stopped shopping at Walmart long ago, and started boycotting McDonald’s and Starbucks last year. I’ve added boycotts for other companies and brands (Target, Coke, Taco Bell, etc.) I’ll be participating in the Economic Blackout and other brand specifics boycotts as they come up. I have switched brands from some of my favorite products or foods and am doing the research to find out what companies to avoid and which companies to support. I’ve been buying more Ben & Jerry’s and recently ordered more Penzy’s spices, for example.
I am personally affected on so many levels by the actions of this administration, as a woman, as someone who is over 50, as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, as a neurodivergent, as a caregiver for a disabled parent, as a reader, as a human, as someone who believes that all humans are deserving of the same rights.
The fight is just beginning and things are going to get worse before they get better, but I’m not giving up.
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