The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead~ 5/26/24

As I stated last week, I’m trying something a little different. Instead of focusing on the past with a weekly wrap up, I want to try focusing on the present/ near future with a look ahead at the coming week. Hopefully this will help to shift my mindset a bit and get me excited about what’s coming.


It’s a holiday week, so I’m only driving my brother and sister-in-law on Wednesday and Friday this week. But mom has a doctor’s appointment on Friday as well, so we get to leave extra early (which means my brother gets to work really early too).

I’m planning to use the extra time to get some painting done (and more reading of course).

My brother’s birthday is also coming up on Saturday, but there is nothing planned for that at the moment. My family is not big into birthdays.


I did really well with last week’s goals, and kept that in mind when deciding on this week’s:

  • Post at least 3 times
  • Read at least 1 physical chapter daily
  • Update cover letter
  • Shave legs
  • Finish a book


This week I will be focusing on painting on the days I’m not driving people around. I’d like to get a significant number of pieces primed and to finish one of the other pieces I am working on.

Also this week I’ll be putting the finishing touches on my Pride Month celebration and kicking things off on Saturday.


I have 3 or 4 audiobooks that are close to being finished. I will definitely finish at least one of them this week (Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann). I might finish more, but definitely the one.

Last week I was able to make a lot of progress on all of my active audiobooks and finish a physical book, so this week I want to continue the same reading plan. I’ll look at adding some Kindle reading back in next week.


I know I’m supposed to be looking ahead and not back, but I do need to acknowledge that last week was a good week. I feel like I’ve done a good job of digging out of the worst of my depression this time around. Again, there is a possibility of slipping back down again, but if I can keep this momentum going this week, it should be another good week.