
Job Search Update

I had planned to do an update today on the places that I’ve applied and any responses that I received. But, if you read my Weekly Recap post yesterday, you already know that after I don’t know how many applications, I finally got an interview. And then I got the job. So I thought that today, I would talk a little more about it.

My title is Resource Center Office Manager, though I am technically the first and only employee so far. I am working for a relatively new non-profit (they founded in July 2022) that supports LGBTQIA2S+ youth in our county. Our county is very conservative, so there aren’t a lot of resources available currently, and a lot of kids don’t have accepting home lives.

I will be predominantly overseeing a drop in program for the youth where they can come to hang out, relax, study, get a snack, take a shower, whatever they need after school, in a safe and accepting atmosphere. In addition to that, I’ll be helping to put together manuals, newsletters, and whatever else they need.

It is exciting to be on the ground floor of building this program. The board has already told me that I will have a lot of autonomy and can put things together that work for what the participants will need. I already have a lot of ideas.

I also mentioned yesterday, that one of the biggest things that I want to contribute is starting a library for the kids, full of affirming books. I’m putting together an Amazon wishlist full of titles that I love or have been recommended and will be putting out a call for donations soon.

Other things that I am thinking about is having meals for those who don’t have a great home life (and may be homeless or couch surfing) and hygiene kits for trans kids who may not have ready access to some things they need without outing themselves.

I don’t start work until the end of August, so I may come up with more ideas as the next week passes. And I’m sure I’ll come up with more as I start working with the teens.

It’s a part-time position, which works for me, because it allows me to focus on my personal projects as well. And to chauffer mom to her doctor’s appointments without having to reschedule my shifts, because her appointments are in the morning and I don’t start work until the afternoon. It may grow into something more down the road, but we’ll take that as it comes.

I am incredibly anxious about going back to work, and there are a lot of unknowns in this position which doesn’t exactly help the situation. But I’m also excited about continuing to work in non-profit and working with a community that I am passionate about.