

I have developed a habit that I am not altogether sure I like. In the evenings after work I seem to fall asleep for anywhere from 30 minutes to the rest of the night. I can be in the middle of working on something and doze off sitting up with my laptop open and my glasses still on.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good nap as much as the next person and tend to take planned naps mid-day on my day off. But those are planned naps and don’t involve me randomly falling asleep with no notice!

Maybe it is simply a side effect of getting older? Or the result of my night owl tendencies? Though I’ve always been a night owl and this new habit didn’t appear until this year. Whatever the cause, I’m hoping to get a better handle on it this year because I have a lot I want to accomplish! And I kind of need to be awake to do it!