Review~ Waiting for the Flood

Waiting For the Flood
Published: February 20, 2024
Twelve years ago, I came to Oxford and fell in love with a man named Marius.  He was brilliant. An artist. It was going to be forever.  But then, like all beautiful things, it ended… And now, there is only silence. Quietly heartbroken, Edwin Tully lives alone in the house he used to share with the man he once loved. He tends to damaged books and faded memories, trying to build a future from the…

This is a re-release with new bonus content. I’ll be including my impressions of both Waiting for the Flood and Chasing the Light, the bonus story, as well as the additional content.

Waiting for the Flood

I love Edwin! He is introverted and insecure due to a speech impediment, plus still heart broken over his split from Marius. I identified with him so much. He’s also super sweet and looks out for his elderly neighbor.

The entire story takes place around preparing for flooding from an oncoming storm, so it’s a pretty short time frame and an insta-love type story (which I don’t mind).

Adam is adorable, patient, and incredibly genuine. It is obvious that he really likes Edwin from the first meeting, calling him “Petal” from the start. He doesn’t try to rush Edwin when he’s trying to talk or correct him when he struggles. And while Edwin is initially resistant, Adam doesn’t push, he waits until Edwin is ready.

I enjoyed the development of their relationship and was happy to see them make an appearance in the bonus story.

Chasing the Light

This one is Marius’s story, taking place at Christmastime and picking up after Edwin’s story.

Marius starts out unlikeable. He is kind of obnoxious and acts like a jerk, though you can see some vulnerability in him as well. He pretends that he doesn’t care about people, but is actually hiding from a painful truth. As the story progresses and layers are pulled back, he is still a bit arrogant, but opens himself to life again.

Leo is a genuinely good guy, though he has a troubled past. He rescues Marius and offers help, even though Leo has kept himself a bit isolated for a while. He is ultimately good for Marius, helping him to be honest with himself.

The relationship between Marius and Leo starts out as strictly sexual, evolving into friendship, and eventually something more.

Bonus Content

Also included are 2 recipes, one for Edwin’s (terrible?) elderflower wine- complete with hilarious notes, and the other for Marius’s family pierogis (written as a letter from his mother’s POV).

And finally a bonus chapter for Edwin and Adam taking place after Marius’s story that features both couples and hints at exciting futures for them all.

Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book through Net Galley on behalf of the publisher for review consideration. All thoughts and opinions are my own.