Top Ten Tuesday~ Paris
I haven’t done a Top Ten Tuesday post in forever! But I decided that I kind of wanted to get back into it again. I may not join every week, but I do plan to join at least a couple times per month. If you don’t know what Top Ten Tuesday is, it’s a meme hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl, where each week you answer a prompt with the top ten books (authors/bookish items, etc.) that match that category.
This week’s prompt is: Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit (real places or fictional). I considered a couple of different angles for this one: US destinations, destinations around the world, a specific country, specific city. I finally settled on a specific city, one that has fascinated me for years: Paris. So all of these books are set in Paris, at least partially, a few have multiple settings, but a significant part of the story takes place in Paris.
All covers link to Goodreads. I am not an affiliate for this site and have not been compensated for this post in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Fun list! I visited Paris for the first time last year. It’s a fascinating city with SO MUCH to see.
Happy TTT!
Paris would be a beautiful place to visit!
My post:
PAris for sure. Great pick. 🙂 And I love that first cover. so inviting, just makes you want to open the book and start reading!
Fun list! So fun to focus on just one location as well. Have a great week!
I think Paris would be a lovely place to visit! Great list!