
A Snackless Readathon?

I haven’t posted anything about the upcoming Dewey’s Reverse Readathon that starts Friday night because I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate this time around. My current mental health issues are a huge contributor, but the other factor (which may seem strange to some) is the snacks.

For me, the readathon is an event, like a sporting championship or holiday party. I honestly don’t change my reading too much during the event, except that I try to stay up longer and am more strict about interruptions. But the build up and fun of the day is all in the snacks. Making a shopping list, finding a fun mix of healthy and not-so-healthy treats to enjoy throughout the event, having leftover snacks for the following week. I get fun, flavored sodas and juices that I don’t normally drink and post photos of my eats and drinks with my books.

Even when I was living in my car, I was working, so I was able to set aside some money for snacks for my the readathons (there were 2 during this time). But there is no money this time.

Now, to be fair, I do have a few things on hand that can be turned into snacks. I currently have a frozen pizza, tater tots, stuffed olives, some wafer cookies, almonds, popcorn, and a couple of fruit cups. I could make something happen… but I’m also trying to make my food stores last as long as possible, so I’m not sure if I should.

There are still a couple of days before the readathon starts, so I can think on it a bit more and make a decision about what I want to do. What would you do? Enjoy the event, snacks and all, read without snacks and post books only, or just skip it?