Heal, Live

Healthy Living

As I’ve been talking about healing so far this month, I’ve been focusing on healing my mental health. While I think this is a priority, my physical health can use some attention as well.

Because I work so few hours and am literally the only employee for the nonprofit I work for, I do not currently have medical insurance. It has been a long time since my last general physical and I have never had a mammogram (I know this is bad, especially since I am 52 and breast cancer runs in my family). I’m also about 2 years overdue on a new prescription for glasses. Needless to say, I’m applying for the state healthcare program.

But in addition to those major things, there are other physical health issues that I need to address as well. While my weight has been stable for the last few years, I am still at my highest weight ever, which is not good. Add to that my fitness level is really low right now. I used to walk miles every day, and now I’m in pain just walking to the end of the street.

I tend to go most of the day without eating and just grab whatever is easiest when I get home from work. I am constantly dehydrated because I forget to drink, even though I always have a bottle of water next to me. And we won’t talk about my sleep schedule because it is insane. So yeah, I have a lot to do to heal the physical parts of myself too.

Over the course of this year, I will be working on creating healthier habits for myself, especially when it comes to fueling and moving my body. I believe that as I work on the mental aspects of my healing, it will become easier to face the physical aspects as well. I may not be in top shape at the end of the year, but I want to at least end the year healthier than I am now.