Heal, Live

Mental Health Update~ 9/3/23

I’m hoping in a few months I won’t need to do a monthly update and my mental health will be consistently good again (as much as it can be).

August was a good month for me. I didn’t have any dark days and felt pretty positive throughout, or at the very least neutral. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but no month will ever be perfect.

While I did lose track of my self-care the last week of the month, I was consistent the rest of the time. And the reason I fell off track wasn’t due to poor mental health, but poor planning with the start of my new job. It may take another week or so to get a new routine established for the flow of my days, but I have already picked back up on my self-care after 4 days of wonkiness.

My reading also got derailed, which was only in a small part because of the new job and more from becoming completely obsessed with RWRB for about 2 weeks (watched the movie more times than I can count and read the book twice in one week). I’m playing with my reading schedule this week to account for the new job, but am back to reading from my regular TBR.

All in all, I’m feeling good about things at the moment and hoping that will continue to hold true going forward. A big indicator for me that I am feeling less stressed and more myself again- I’ve started singing along with the music I have playing again. Music and books have always been my comforts and grounding places, so it’s good to have that back again.