Discussion, Readathon

The Reverse Readathon is Coming!

I am a huge fan of the Dewey’s 24Hour Readathon series and have been participating in every event for the last few years. And while I love the April and October events, it’s the Reverse Readathon that takes place in the summer (usually August) that’s my favorite.

So what is a reverse readathon you might ask? Well, you don’t have to start reading the book from the end (though that might be interesting), if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s actually just a flip in start times. The standard readathon for Dewey’s starts at 8am ET on Saturday morning and goes to 8am ET on Sunday, the reverse readathon starts at 8pm ET on Friday and goes to 8pm ET on Saturday.

And why is it my favorite? I am a night owl and I really struggle with the early morning start times for the regular readathon. I never get enough sleep the night before so I am constantly dragging and tired through the entire event. With the evening start time, however, I start reading after work, go to bed at my regular time, wake up the next morning ready to read some more, and have more focus throughout the day.

I am taking a super relaxed approach this year and planning to just enjoy reading. I’m not creating a TBR, I’m not setting page goals or hours read goals. I’m not even planning to track my reading for the event. I’m just going to read whatever books interest me at the time and take breaks when I need them.

If you’re interested in this year’s Reverse Readathon, it is taking place on August 6th & 7th. You can find the full details on the Dewey’s 24hour Readathon official blog, linked above. (And for those of you wondering, the readathon is named for the woman who started it, not the man who came up with the nonfiction library classification system).