Discussion, Read

Confessions of a Reader

Every so often, I like to share my reader or blogger confessions. It’s been a while since I last shared, so I thought I would share some reader confessions. I may have shared some of these in the past, but I can’t remember.

  1. I don’t need fancy special editions (unless there’s new content, like a bonus chapter) for books, or multiple copies of books. I don’t even need my series to match.
  2. Rainbow shelves are pretty, but not a logical method of organizing. I would rather group series or authors together.
  3. I don’t understand people’s hatred for certain tropes. Yes, I have favorites, but there aren’t any that I won’t read.
  4. I actively seek out spoilers and generally spoil myself by looking at the end of the book while in the middle of the story. The only format I don’t do this with is audio.
  5. I will probably never read all of the books I own in my lifetime, but that doesn’t stop me from buying more.
  6. I rarely read books when they first come out. It usually takes me a couple of years to get to a book. And then I wonder why it took me so long.
  7. I prefer to avoid the controversy that crops up in the bookish communities on social media. Half the time I miss whatever started the drama, so I have no idea what people are talking about anyway.
  8. I currently only use my library card for audiobooks (or the occasional ebook if it’s not available in audio) and will check out books that I own in another format because I can get through them faster on audio. And I always have the max number of books at any given time (30).
  9. I have a really bad habit of over-requesting books, or over purchasing, because I want ALL the books. And because I read across genres and age groups, I really do mean ALL the books.
  10. I only review books I receive through Net Galley (1 have one left from Edelweiss). Currently, the only review copies I receive are DRCs through Net Galley’s platform. I don’t review books that I purchase or borrow to read just for myself.