
Starting Over Again?

It looks like my life is most likely changing again. On Friday, I was informed that the board would be meeting this week to discuss the future of my program. It looks like they will be closing the program and I will be out of a job again. This time without funds to keep me going for a short term.

The news is not unexpected, though I thought that I would have more time to find something new. I thought that I would have until June, but now I figure I have until mid-March. I’ve already updated my resume and had started low-key looking at what is out there. Now it’s time to start looking in earnest.

The problem is, I am no closer to being ready to return to working full time than I was in August when I went back to work. And as much as I crave connections and friendship, I don’t trust working with other people yet. And I need to find something that won’t put me in customer service, at least not a call center, because there’s too much anxiety and trauma there.

I am worried that the change will cause me to have less time to read. I have gotten so much reading done so far this year and have been enjoying all the dedicated reading time. And the ability to sleep more.