Memes, Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday~ Bookish Superpowers

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Every week, Jana assigns a topic and creates a post for everyone to link to.

This week’s topic is: Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had. This one was fun and made me think, so here we go.

Super Speed Reading

I’d love to be able to pick up a book, and flip through the pages, seeing and reading everything in no time at all. This way I could get through so many more books. As it is, I will probably never finish my TBR in my lifetime.

Re-read a Book for the First Time

If only I could wipe my mind and read some of my absolute favorite books for the first time again and experience that same sense of connection or inspiration or movement that I felt initially.

Expanding Shelves

Who wouldn’t want to have expanding shelves? Then there would never be an issue of running out of shelf space and my books would always have somewhere to sit looking beautiful, rather than having to be doubled up and piled at times.

Endless Budget

Not sure if this really counts as a super power, but having a never ending budget for buying books would be amazing. The only reason I don’t own all of the new releases (and backlist titles for that matter) is that I can’t afford to.

Instant Sequels

I almost feel like this one would be intrusive to authors, but I would love to not have to wait for a sequel. Just finish a book and boom, the next book is right there and ready for me. I don’t know if I’d be pulling it out of the author’s mind onto paper or what, but I would love to skip that publishing wait time.

Conversations with Characters

There are so many characters that I’ve connected with and I would love to be able to just sit down with some of them and have a conversation about life or their story or anything.

Visit any Destination

One of my dreams is to travel, and it would be amazing to open a book and instantly travel to book’s location. Of course this could be a bit scary if it’s a fantasy or sci fi book, or even a historical book. But I read a lot of books that take place in Paris and it would be amazing to travel there.

Climb Inside the Story

Similar to the super power above, I would love to be able to climb into a story and be part of the action (there are definite exceptions to this).

Resurrect Favorite Characters

We all have those favorite characters that the author insanely allows to die, I want to be able to bring back my favorites and return them to the story in process. (I’m looking at you Finnick!)

All the Books

Aside from the ability to purchase any book that I wanted, I also just want to have access to any book, at any time, whenever I wanted it. A book that’s still in the publishing process- mine. A book that’s out of print- mine. A rare first printing or a favorite release- mine. An updated edition- mine.

So basically, what these all add up to is I want all the books and I want to live inside of them lol.