
Dewey’s Reverse Readathon~ July 2023 Wrap Up

I have never gone into a readathon with so little planning and feeling so disorganized. I had trouble sleeping the night before and had several things I needed to accomplish during the day before the readathon start time. Before I knew it, it was already 5pm, the start time in my time zone!

Initially, I had a plan to switch out books every hour, but after a few hours I just wasn’t feeling it. So I shifted to focus on just the books that I wanted to read. This turned out to be 3 books, two physical books and one ebook. I did listen to a little bit of an audio book to rest my eyes, but wasn’t really feeling any of my audio choices.

Due to the trouble sleeping, I was super tired and slept for a bit, but continued to feel tired throughout most of the readathon.

I finished one of the books I focused on during the readathon, and finished the other two later Saturday night.

Here are the stats:

Audio hours listened to: 2
Physical chapters read: 27
eBook chapters read: 15