
Weekly Recap~ 3/11/23

This is the post where I recap what I’ve been doing throughout the week and share what I plan to post about next week. Starting in January 2023, I will be linking up Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer and her weekly Sunday Post feature.

Sunday Post

What Went Down This Week:

On Monday, I picked up all of my possessions from my former job (if this is the first you’re hearing of this, read Suddenly Adrift below), and spent the rest of the week reorganizing my room to fit in the extra furniture and decor items. I’ve taken this opportunity clean everything out (as mentioned in Conquering Projects). It’s a tight squeeze, but I actually like how my book corner is turning out and will share it with you all soon. I’m not done organizing everything yet, but have made some good progress so far.

Our washing machine has broken, so this week I’ll be journeying to the laundromat to take care of my laundry and Mom’s. Hopefully we’ll it fixed or get a new one soon, or at least by the time I start working again. I really don’t want to spend crowded weekends in the laundromat.

I haven’t started searching for a new job yet. I wanted to take some time to get my head on straight after everything that has happened before I ventured into that realm. Luckily I have enough money to get us through a few months if needed. I just lost so much trust and confidence that I’m not even sure what direction to take right now. I find myself staring into space going down the rabbit hole of everything that happened, and I still just don’t understand. But I don’t know that I ever will.

Posts from the Week:

Review~ The Hookup Plan
Suddenly Adrift
Top Ten Tuesday~ Authors I’d Like to Meet
Another Anniversary Passed
Series to Finish in 2023
Conquering Projects

Currently Reading:

Coming Next Week:

I’ll be sharing my Spring TBR, along with discussions on limiting new books and the start of my job hunt. I also hope to share a new shelf tour and a review.


All covers link to Goodreads, all thoughts and opinions are my own.